madartech 2013 © .  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. An Ibn al-Ghafri Modern Projects Company.

What We Do


Generally speaking, Vehicle Tracking is the monitoring of the vehicles from internet via digital map. This is achieved by retrieving
position information (address) of the vehicle through GSM (GPRS-SMS) from vehicle terminal that uses GPS (Global Positioning System) mounted on the vehicle.​ Vehicle Tracking and Fleet Management System is a set of vehicle tracking services, which provides updated information about the routes of the
vehicles over internet, records movements, makes reports about the records and saves on fleet operating costs.​

شركة عُمانية

شركة مدار لتتبع المركبات شركة خليجية بخبرات دولية وهي من الشركات  القليلة المرخصة من جميع الهيئات المختصة مثل هيئة تنظيم الاتصالات لتقديم خدمة تتبع وادارة ركبات بحيث تعتمد على اعلى مستويات التقدم التكنولوجي العالمي وتدار من قبل فريق عالي الكفاءة وذو خبرة واسعة بهذا المجال وهدفنا هو تقديم الحلول وفقا لاحتياجات العملاء ... المزيد


Madar VTS is a Gulf company with international expertise, its one of the few companies licensed by all competent bodies such as the Telecommunications Regulatory Authorities to provide Vehicle Tracking Services. We depend on the highest levels of global technological advances, MadarTech is managed by a highly qualified and experienced team, and our goal is to provide solutions according to our customer needs... READ MORE